Calling for declaration

Dear Residents,

Calling for declaration

As you might have read, the International SOS Clinic Yangon Clinic has been identified to be the area of contact for Patient #15, Patient #11, #12 and #13 and #8.

To protect our residents and staff health and safety, the Estate Management is asking our residents to do a contact tracing for you and your family members for the following dates.  

International SOS Clinic @ Inya Lake Hotel between 20th March – 31st March.

As we are unsure of what is the layers of contact, we would like to recommend for you to Self-Isolate at home for 14days if there is any contact with above locations between those periods stated above. We would also like you to inform us of your contact with the above location, so that SC management can privately attend to your needs for self-isolation and medical care. Please send your response to with the format below:

Thank you for your understanding. Stay healthy and safe.

StarCity Management